About Doreen And The Healthy Life

How it Began!

I have 3  boys and live in the south suburbs of Chicago. I am also a Natural Health Counselor and pursuing additional certifications in Herbology. My goal is to pursue my Doctorates in Natural Health in the very near future.

I stumbled into the lifestyle of Healing through natural nutrition by accident. I just wanted to lose weight, but I was suffering from many ailments; horrible sinus infections, back aches, gum infections, bad periods, horrible mood swings, ankle pain, and then Fibroids.

I was told by my gynecologist that I needed an immediate hysterectomy...I weighed almost 280lbs and was gaining 10lbs per year, and I wasn't even 40 years old yet!!

Once I changed my diet completely overnight, the fibroids began to shrink and disappear! My gynecologist was amazed when I came into his office six months later, 40 pounds smaller and with three of the four fibroids totally gone as evidenced by an ultrasound!

He told me it was impossible and sent me back for another ultrasound. Three months later the ultrasound showed not only the three fibroids gone, but the last one was now so small they could barely see it!!!

During this same time I lost a ton of weight, my sinus infections healed, the back aches were gone, the gum infection healed and my root canal was cancelled, the arthritis in my ankle was gone, and pretty much any other ailment that I was dealing with!!

It didn’t happen overnight. It was a journey and a process! ​But two and a half years later, I am over 80lbs smaller and still losing, and my ailments are pretty much a thing of the past! Proof that there is healing in the right kind of foods!

I had such a passion to help that I begin to run detox groups via social media. People began to have great results......Blood sugar levels stabilized, blood pressure levels came down, and I even had one with breast cancer tell me that her cancer tumors were shrinking!

But, one of the challenges I found was that it was hard to stick to. There was a lack of delicious, flavorful foods and soon people would get tired of the monotony of eating just fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and other healing foods.

I had to find a way to make cleansing the body interesting and fun.

Being a cook since I was a young girl gave me knowledge about different spices, seasonings and flavors and how to put them together.

I utilized the skills I already had in the kitchen to learn how to make healthy, organic, plant-based dishes, that were comforting, delicious, and still healing for the body.

Since the implementation of the shopping list, the complete menus and recipes for the entire 21-days, the success of the program has soared.

Most people are able to stick to it, and achieve amazing results!

Some of the results have been;

Back pain gone!

Surgery scars healing!

Fibroids shrinking! Click here for Bernadette's testimony of fibroids healing! 

Blood sugar levels stabilizing (100% success so far on the blood sugar levels)

Better sleep! Headaches gone!  Click here for Dale's testimony on Migraines gone. 

Asthma and allergies under control! 

AWESOME weight-loss (if needed)!!

By the end of the 21-days most have a renewed sense of well-being and a determination to continue with the journey.​

Today I offer modified programs for your specific health needs. Every client that has come through the One On One Coaching Program has had success with turning their health around and getting off their medication! ​I am hoping you are ready to take your health back into your own hands and get to the root of what is ailing you.

Click below to schedule a virtual consultation with me, to see what program is best for you. 

-Doreen Germany 

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